Hugh Borbidge, BSME, earned his degree in mechanical engineering from Villanova University. He utilizes state-of-the-art data collection techniques and 3D modeling to aid in the engineering analysis of vehicular collisions and mechanical processes. Hugh’s knowledge of applications such as 3D Studio Max, AutoCAD, Cyclone, PC Crash, PC Rect, Poser, and Photogrammetry help him to create precise, court-accepted 3D demonstrative exhibits for medical malpractice, accident reconstruction, product liability, biomechanics, and other cases.
Hugh Borbidge, BSME, earned his degree in Mechanical Engineering from Villanova University. He utilizes state-of-the-art data collection techniques and 3D modeling to aid in the engineering analysis of vehicular collisions and mechanical processes. Hugh’s knowledge of applications such as 3D Studio Max, PF Track, ReCap, PC Crash, and After Effects help him to create precise, court-accepted 3D demonstrative exhibits for accident reconstruction, medical malpractice, product liability, biomechanics, and other cases.
Hugh has been with DJS Associates, Inc. as Director of 3D Engineering Animations since 2007. With a unique mixed background of Mechanical Engineering and 3D Visualization, Hugh constructs physically accurate, courtroom-accepted 3D environments and animations. He has over a decade and a half of experience as an expert in the field of Engineering Animation, demonstrating vehicular collisions, aviation accidents, biomechanical injuries, mechanical and structural failures, medical explanations, and criminal cases to a trier of fact. These relationships are often captured in 2D and 3D to-scale exhibits that allow viewers to understand what happened and focus on the important aspects of the case.
Hugh’s experience has an emphasis on innovative technology, including state-of-the-art data collection techniques, analysis, three-dimensional modeling, animations, photo and video forensic analysis, and demonstrative evidence. He has collaborated with experts in a variety of disciplines to assist with case demonstration and analysis, offering him a diverse portfolio of reconstruction scenarios. Hugh has lectured to Forensic Engineering Associations, Insurance Groups and Legal Associations on Engineering Computer Animations and High-Definition Surveying.
In his spare time, Hugh serves in the Oreland volunteer Fire Company and trains weekly. Despite his knowledge and experience in collision reconstruction, you will find him on his motorcycle whenever the sun is out.
Case Manager: Rebecca Selby,
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1603 Old York Road
Abington, PA 19001