PC-Crashâ„¢ is a Windowsâ„¢ collision & trajectory simulation tool that enables the accurate analysis of a wide variety of motor vehicle collisions and other incidents.
DJS Associates’ site measurements aligned with aerial photographic coverage of the area of the occurrence.
Same image as step 1, but zoomed in closer to the area of the occurrence.
A tracing of police diagram, aligned with DJS Associates’ site measurements and aerial image.
Tracing includes tire marks left by a yawing vehicle.
Image highlighting the tire marks left by the yawing vehicle.
Independent plot of vehicle dynamics on tire marks and manual calculation of yaw speed is performed.
PC-Crash computer simulation is setup and input parameters are iterated.
Iteration is performed to match the simulated vehicle dynamics with the tire marks. Vehicle yaw speed is confirmed.
Simulation is shown in plan view on aerial photograph.
Simulation is shown in perspective view on aerial photograph.
Simulation is shown in perspective view on basic site drawing.
[contact-form-7 id=”2248″ title=”PC Crash Request”]