Timothy Primrose, DJS Mobile Forensic Analyst, is presenting at the New Jersey Special Investigators Association (NJSIA) Anti-Fraud Conference on Tuesday, October 22nd at 11:20am EDT.  Tim’s topic, “Cracking the Code: Mobile Forensics for Fraud Investigations,” introduces the types of data available for extraction and analysis from cell phones, vehicle infotainment systems, and social media platforms.  Explore real-world case examples to develop a practical understanding of how device data can be used to establish timelines, track movements, corroborate testimonies, and reveal key insights into a person’s activities and communications.
Want to connect with Tim while at the conference? Visit the DJS Associates booth in the exhibiting hall before or after his presentation to speak with Tim and Emily Hopf, Marketing and Education Manager, about our investigative services, courtroom demonstratives, and expert witnesses / consultants. Be sure to enter our business card raffle for a chance to win tickets for an upcoming Philadelphia Flyers home game. We look forward to seeing you there!
Visit the NJSIA website at New Jersey Special Investigators Association – 2024 Annual Seminar (wildapricot.org) to register. For more information on Tim’s topic, contact Emily Hopf, DJS Marketing and Education Manager via email at marketing@forensicDJS.com or call 1-800-332-6273 to reach our office toll-free.