Alexa M. Stutz
Manager of Evidence and Engineering Services

Alexa M. Stutz

Contact Information

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Alexa began working at DJS Associates in 2020 as an Engineering Administrative Assistant for the In-House Consulting Department. Alexa assists on active case files for R. Scott King, Principal Automotive/Mechanical Engineer, Timothy Primrose, Mobile Forensic Analyst, and Leslie E. Lovre, Technical Assistant, by scheduling inspections, handling client inquiries, and managing deadlines. Alexa is also responsible for cataloguing and maintaining diagnostic tools for downloading event and cellular data, as well as collecting and storing evidence associated with forensic extractions.

Outside of work, Alexa enjoys spending time with friends, trying out new restaurants with her boyfriend, and going on long walks and cuddling with her dog, Brody. She also always looks forward to making a trip or two out to Florida each year to visit family.

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