Following Too Closely – Not as Straightforward as It May Seem

All states have a provision within their respective Vehicle Code which generally states, “the driver of a motor vehicle shall not follow another vehicle more closely than is reasonable and…

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Inside the Lawyers Studio Podcast

Dr. Justin P. Schorr, DJS President and Principal Collision Reconstruction Engineer, joined Scott Tredwell, host and creator of Inside the Lawyers Studio, as the podcast’s first expert witness guest.  Their…

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Reconstructing A Legend:  Steve Schorr, In Memoriam

Five years after his passing, Steve Schorr’s legacy thrives through the continued success and expansion of DJS Associates and the impact of his leadership in the forensic community.  Steve is…

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Sideswipe Damage: Who Was Going Faster?

“Who was going faster?” is a question that often arises when determining fault for a sideswipe collision.  When surveillance footage or pre-crash event data is unavailable to establish speed, the…

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Stop Sign Obstruction: True or False?

Case Summary:  A motorcycle was traveling southbound on a two-lane, two-direction roadway approaching a T-intersection with a four-lane roadway.  The motorcycle operator (Plaintiff) failed to abide by the posted stop…

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Falling Barrier Pin Impales Vehicle

Shattered vehicle windshield with hole in glass.

Case Summary: The barrier pin was a steel rod 1-inch in diameter, 16 inches long, and weighed 3.5 pounds.  It was being used to secure a temporary barrier to the…

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Two Buses – One Speeding Motorcycle

School bus with motorcycle approaching behind

A motorcycle crashed into the side of a school bus (bus 1), which was turning left from a side street onto the main thoroughfare where the motorcycle was traveling. Video…

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Just Science Podcast: Forensics in the Digital Age

Justin P. Schorr, Ph.D., Principal Collision Reconstruction Engineer, and Timothy R. Primrose, Mobile Forensic Analyst, co-hosted an episode of the Just Science podcast Case Studies season. Justin and Tim joined…

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Safety Tips for a Happy Halloween!

Halloween is one of my favorite holidays, as we all get to dress up to be whoever or whatever we want to be. Some of my best costumes from years…

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