Blog Posts
DRI Personal Injury Practicum
Dr. Justin Schorr, DJS President and Principal Collision Reconstruction Engineer will join an esteemed faculty of legal industry leaders at the Dispute Resolution Institute (DRI) Personal Injury Practicum on October…
NJSIA Anti Fraud Conference
Timothy Primrose, DJS Mobile Forensic Analyst, is presenting at the New Jersey Special Investigators Association (NJSIA) Anti-Fraud Conference on Tuesday, October 22nd at 11:20am EDT. Tim’s topic, "Cracking the Code:…
3D Summer Souvenir Snapshots
Warm days have turned cool, kids are back at school, and summer vacations seemed like they happened so long ago. As fall begins, it’s nice to reminisce about the good…
MLB Stadium Security Case Study
Case Summary: When stadium security personnel questioned an attendee’s behavior at a Major League Baseball (MLB) team’s home opener, Plaintiff verbally intervened to defend his fellow fan. Security responded by…
Public Playgrounds: 5 Common Safety Issues
Well over 200,000 public playground injuries are treated in hospital emergency rooms across the country each year. Fractures account for 40% of all injuries, while concussions and lacerations are among other…
Household Maintenance Tips for the Fall Season
As summer days become shorter and the fall season approaches, this is the time to start thinking about home maintenance in preparation for colder weather. Fireplaces and Chimneys Approximately 25,000…
Recognizing & Preventing Heat-Related
Illnesses when Exercising
As the new school year and sports seasons begin, it is imperative to know the signs of heat-related injuries. Heat-related fatalities and illnesses, including dehydration, heat exhaustion, and heat stroke,…
Recreational Trailer Safety – Know Before You Tow
For many people, summer recreation includes the use of small personal watercraft and larger towable boats. Whether towing to a public launching ramp for a day, a permanent dock, or…
Elopement Risk Case Study
Elopement, the unauthorized departure of a resident from a facility or a designated safe area, underscores the importance of individualized safety evaluations of residents in care facilities. An unauthorized absence…