Stephanie L. Hopf
Expert Referral Coordinator

Contact Information
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Stephanie joined the Outside Consulting Department at DJS Associates in 2022. As Case Intake and Expert Referral Coordinator, Stephanie handles the intake of new cases and working with the client to ensure qualified experts are retained to assist. She ensures proper handling through conflict-of-interest checking, establishing understanding of case needs, and clearly communicating with clients and experts make certain appropriate referrals are made. Along with casefile setup, Stephanie vets new experts to continuously build upon the DJS network throughout various geographic locations and areas of specialty.
Outside of work, Stephanie loves sharing time with her family watching Jeopardy, playing board games, and spending time outdoors. She has two daughters, a loving husband of 28 years, a Cardigan Welsh Corgi named Scout, and a cat named Whiskey. Her hobbies include riding her bike, gardening, and anything crafty. She is an avid reader of mystery and thriller novels, especially anything written by Clive Cussler or Preston & Child.