The Gavel Retreat Announcement

Justin Schorr, Ph.D., President & Principal Collision Reconstruction Engineer of DJS Associates, will be attending and speaking at the 2023 Gavel Claims Retreat in Boston, MA. Justin’s panel includes industry leaders Joe Fowler, Esquire (Fowler Hirtzel McNulty Spaulding, LLP), Marty Pujolar, Esquire (Forsberg & Umlauf, P.S.), Cedar Abadie, Esquire (Swift Transportation / Mohave Insurance), and Eric Nordstrom, JD (Markel Insurance). Their topic, “Preparing for the Win with Engineering Animations: Using Video & Technology to Enhance the Credibility of Your Case,” will overview the setup of video and technology equipment, process of data collection, and evaluation of accuracy with real-life demonstratives illustrating “good v. bad” animations. For more information on this topic, please contact Justin at