Calibration Error or Communication Failure?

Case Summary:  A worker, at an agricultural coop, was assisting the operator of a large agricultural spreader in order to configure the machine in preparation to spread a different product.…

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Fight or Flight: Analysis of an Aircraft Jump Seat

Case Summary:  A flight attendant was seated in a forward-facing crew jump seat (L2) in the rear cabin of a commercial aircraft during a flight.  She reported that as the…

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Ambulance Mount Failure:
Improper Installation Increases Patient Injury

Case Summary:  An ambulance service and their driver were named in a lawsuit following a crash that injured the patient being transported. The driver lost control of the vehicle, which…

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More Than Just a Broken Part: Analysis of Mechanical Failures

Hands holding L-wrench and socket in place.

There are numerous reasons why a product part might fail during use. While witness statements can provide some insight into what occurred during an incident, a mechanical engineer’s analysis can…

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