Digital Forensics
Digital forensics encompasses many forms of technology that store data pertaining to a user’s activity, communications, and location. Equipped with cutting-edge forensic software, our experts retrieve evidence from many different devices, including:
- Cell Phones
- Computers
- Infotainment Systems
- Personal Fitness Devices
- Surveillance Cameras
- …And More!
Our digital forensics experts specialize in retrieval of data from mobile devices and cloud storage, extending far beyond call logs and text message records in their collection of evidence.

Many vehicles now come equipped with infotainment and/or telematics systems. Depending on the vehicle, specific types of data available for extraction from these systems may include:
- GPS navigations, odometer readings, tracklogs, or other forms of location data
- Data collected from paired devices, such as call logs, contact lists, and multimedia files
- Vehicle events like door openings, hard-braking events, gear shifts, etc.

In addition to cell phones and vehicle systems, DJS digital forensics experts retrieve and preserve evidence from:
• Cloud data storage
• Desktop and laptop computers
• Drones
• External hard drives
• GPS devices
• SD / SIM cards
• USB flash drives
• Video / audio recorders (dashcams, surveillance/security systems, etc.)